Why Winter is the Time to Plan Your New Dock

Posted by Alumi-Span Docks on 10/1/2017
Not ready to say “goodbye” to boating season and “hello” to winter quite yet? Thinking about a new boat dock but saving your plans for spring? Not sure where to get started with how to build a boat dock?

For boaters and lake-lovers alike, it can be tough to let go of summer as the temperature starts to drop. If you’re planning any renovations or updates to your dock for next season, the good news is you don’t have to let go of summer just yet!

In fact we recommend you take advantage of winter and plan your new dock now! Check out a few reasons why this is a great idea:

1.    Off-season Availability:

In the off-season contractors may not be as busy, making them more available for you to work efficiently. Imagine how great it would be to get spring started in the construction phase of your new project while everyone else is fighting for time with contractors just to start planning!

2.    Time to Enjoy:

If you can knock out planning for your new dock while winter is still raging, you’ll probably be able to set a convenient construction date early in the spring. That all translates to a long boating season with a brand new dock for you!

3.    Get It Right:

If your new dock is on hold all winter long, come spring, you’re sure to be antsy; who wouldn’t be? In your excitement to get things done, maybe you miss a few details you could regret. Planning in winter gives you the luxury of time, time to get things right and pay attention to all the details!

You’ll be thinking about it all winter anyway, so you might as well make your plans for a new boat dock official. Whether you’re looking for tips on how to build a boat dock or service on a current dock, we have you covered.

Give us a call today to get things started!